10 for 10
2022 marks the 10th anniversary of the Ollie Young Foundation. To celebrate this we are launching our ’10 for 10’ anniversathon and we would love for you to get involved. Throughout 2022, 10 official OYF events / challenges over 10 months have been arranged, all with a theme of 10. Some of these events are local to Wokingham, so if you’re unable to attend/take part, we would love to see you hosting a similar event closer to you.
2012 was the life changing year that has led us to where we are now. Little did we know where the next 10 years would take us but here we are, 10 years on and so much has been achieved in Ollie’s name. Ollie’s death was the most horrendous time ever, but we (Ollie’s parents) vowed to help others and wanted everyone to know who Ollie was. He was very infectious. You only had to meet him once and he’d be a lasting memory and, in some respect, that’s what we had hoped for with the foundation. We think he’d be super proud of what we have achieved these past 10 years in his name.
Back in 2012 sitting around dwelling on what had just happened wasn’t sitting right and we knew we needed to do something so in June 2012, the Ollie Young Foundation was born.
The past 10 years have been an emotional roller coaster and looking back is just phenomenal. But we are just getting started! Funding a very promising 2 year research project with the Institute of Cancer Research has us very optimistic that we are edging closer and closer to our ultimate aim of finding a cure or prevention for paediatric brain tumours, and we need your help to continue this over the years ahead.
#oyf10for10 official events are listed below and on our events page. Pick 1, pick 2…heck, pick all! There’s something for everyone so get your friends and families involved and help us celebrate in memory of Ollie. You can of course still raise money in any way that you like, and we look forward to seeing all of your wonderful efforts!
January: Tower 10
The challenge – Towers of 10’s; See how high you can build your tower of 10p’s and donate it to the OYF. Be as creative as you like with your towers. Stack them high like the leaning tower of Pisa or create a word or symbol or a piece of art. The possibilities are endless. You have the month of January to complete the challenge. Take photos along the way and share your updates with OYF and we’ll post on our social media and website. See event page for more information.
February: FeBLUEary
The challenge – Go Blue; We want your help to turn February into FeBLUEary by donning your blues (pets included!) in memory of Ollie. Show your support and spread the OYF word. All photos sent in will be shared via social media and on our website.
Also, join us for some half term fun with a trail finder competition in Wokingham Town centre. See event page for more information.
March: London 10 Peaks
The challenge – Team Ollie will be taking part in the London 10 Peaks Challenge held on March 19 th 2022. It’s a 42km
walk around the peaks of London. This event is organised by Charity Challenge. If you would like to join team Ollie
full details are here: https://www.charitychallenge.com/expedition/3460/London-10-Peaks-Challenge See event page for more information.
April: Build up your Bill and Benna
The challenge – For all you entrepreneurs out there, start the month with £10 and see how much you can turn that
into by the end of the month and donate to the OYF. For example, with your £10 you could by ingredients to make
some cakes and have a cake sale. Turn the profits from that into doing a bigger cake sale or try your hand at
something new. With two weeks of Easter holidays, it sure to keep you busy! See event page for more information.
May: Ollie Cup
The challenge – Love playing football? Join in our 7 a-side mini football tournament on Sunday 22nd May 2022 and be
in for a chance to win our Ollie Cup! We’re looking for 8 teams. Age 16 years and over. £10 per player. No limit to
how many players in your team for substitutions, however each player will need to be registered and pay their fee to
play. Kick Off 9am. Presentation of the Ollie Cup 2.30pm. See event page for more information.
June: Olliestacle Course
The challenge – Ready for some Ollie-tastic fun? Set your own Obstacle course with a theme of 10! i.e., 10km, 10
laps, 10 items, 10 people, 10 minutes, 10 households…. You get the idea. Send us your whacky ideas along with your
progress and completion photos. We would love to see how creative you’ve been. See event page for more information.
August: Summer Fun Day
Our annual summer fun day is back!! Sunday 14th August 2022. 11 – 4pm. After 2 years of not being able to put our
event on due to covid, it’s time we made up for it! Back for our 10th anniversary this event is full of fun and laughter. Games and inflatables, BBQ, licensed bar, food, music and much much more. See event page for more information.
October: Quiz Night
The challenge – Join us on Saturday 8th October for your chance to be hailed ‘Quiz masters of 2022’. Doors open at
7.00pm. Quiz starts at 7:30pm. Adults only. 10 rounds, each of 10 questions. £10 per player, tables of 8. Bring your own snacks
and drinks. Raffle and games in between rounds. See event page for more information.
November: Ten pin Bowling
The challenge – How many strikes can you get in a row? Highest score wins a prize! Join us on 10 th November 2022
for a night of strikes galore. Starting from 6pm, 14 teams will go head-to-head for the highest score. Prize for highest
individual score. Prize for highest team score. See event page for more information.
December: Choose your challenge
The challenge – Choose what you do between 1st and 10th December that involves the number 10! Send us your ideas
and photos for us to share on our social media pages.
Please contact us if you’d like to take part in any of our ’10 for 10’ challenges.